domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Diari de Sant Cugat Divendres, 3 de Agosto de 2012

Sant Cugat's art is represented in the University Gallery, York Street, from 3 to 31 August . Marta Ballvé takes his work "Del punto a la puntilla" to Belfast . Small Format XI International Contemporary Art Exhibition, which bears the Title "Identity, Self and Narrative Autobiography (Identity, autobiography and Autonarrativas). In this exhibition, which was presented in Barcelona in December 2011, Marta Ballvé presents the play "Del punto a la puntilla", in which the thread is a metaphor for the travel, the point is the start of this and the lace is understood as an advanced stage of a journey that parallels life. The exhibition comes to Belfast following his itinerary with the will to disseminate the visual arts and interdisciplinary exchange of these arts. Smple to be seen in the University Gallery of York Street in Belfast.

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